Sting 2022 came to an abrupt end minutes after 6:00 am on Tuesday after several brawls erupted backstage while Valiant, Kraft, Skeng and others tried desperately to rush through their performances.
In what many have been describing as a disorganised stage show, Queenie and Amari appear to be the talking point of the lackluster event.
Amid all the chaos and fights backstage which saw the show ending abruptly, Valiant has gained even more respect as the future of dancehall, when he performed on top of a car in the parking lot of the venue for some fans.
His colleague, Jashi, also greeted a few fans in the parking lot, even shaking hands with a few law enforcement officers who, obviously, were showing their respects to the fast-rising entertainer.
Watch the video of the brawl backstage at Sting, which some say brought a premature end to the show.