PNP employs police to find author of fake WhatsApp messages

PNP employs police to find author of fake WhatsApp messages

PNP employs police to find author of fake WhatsApp messages
Opposition leader Mark Golding

The People’s National Party (PNP) has employed the services of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) to determine the author of a fake WhatsApp conversation purportedly involving Opposition leader Mark Golding. 

The PNP, in a release on Friday, said it was a desperate and defamatory act which has been concocted to divert public attention from the wage negotiations with government-paid employees.

The release said the matter has been reported to the Cybercrime Unit of the JCF.

Several Jamaican Government officials have reportedly blamed the PNP for this week’s labour crisis that saw three public sector groups – the National Water Commission (NWC), National Housing Trust (NHT), and the air traffic controllers – protesting for better wages. 

The fake WhatsApp messages were also being circulated by operatives of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), and allegedly, by senior party stalwarts.

The PNP has urged them to “cease” the circulation of the messages and “make a suitable public apology”. 

“The PNP stands by its position that the Government has been arrogant and highhanded in its communication and handling of the negotiations with the public sector groupings. 

“We urge the Government to rethink their approach and work with the Unions to ensure that civil servants are justly compensated for their invaluable service to our nation,” the Opposition PNP said.