Grange pushes for passage of Domestic Violence Law
The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport is pushing to ensure that the amended Domestic Violence Act will become a reality during.
The Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport is pushing to ensure that the amended Domestic Violence Act will become a reality during.
Prime Minister Andrew Holness is calling for greater coordination among governments and private-sector tourism partners across the Americas, to better plan for and.
The nation’s teachers are being urged to remain resolute in spite of the antisocial behaviours and other types of maladjustments being displayed by.
The police are intensifying their probe into the robbery of approximately $22 million which was being transported in a vehicle belonging to an.
Former mayor of Morant Bay, Hanif Brown, has died. He had been ailing for some time, Jam Street Journal understands. Brown served as.
A Constitutional Reform Committee (CRC), to include representatives from the Government, Parliamentary Opposition, relevant experts, and the wider society, is to be appointed.
A man who was acquitted on anti-gang charges two years ago was murdered during a shoot-out in Westmoreland on Tuesday. Dead is Copeland.
The Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) is reporting the seizures of 10 guns, including several high-powered weapons, and a quantity of ammunition in three.
By: Thalia J. Reynolds – Freelance Reporter While the police have indicated that a male student has been charged for assaulting a female.
SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic (AP) — The Dominican Republic’s minister of the environment and natural resources was shot and killed in his office.